1. Approximately 8' diameter:
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2. 5" tall:
Two similar tools:
3. 47" long, patented August 9, 1892:
4. 20" long, patented in 1893:
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5. 10" long:
6. Around 6-1/2" long, this spiked object might look like it's from a horror movie but it was made to serve a particular purpose:
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7. 14" tall:
8. 30" long:
Pulling the trigger releases the two points near the end, if it's pulled once again they are retracted:
9. 6" long:
10. 12" tall x 11" diameter:
12. 16" long:
13. Approximately 18" long, this first photo is a salesman's sample and is smaller that the actual product. The two straight pieces can freely rotate.
40" long as seen below, it's a different model but used for the same purpose:
14. 11-1/2" long, compressing the handles opens the jaws at both ends:
15. 6" long:
16. 25" long:
17. 10" long:
18. 4-3/4" long:
19. 2" tall:
A different model of the same piece of hardware:
20. 5" long, patented in 1865:
It's spring returned to the position seen in the first two photos.
21. The subject here is the large wooden apparatus, the miscellaneous tools are not necessarily related to it:
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22. 8-1/4" long, invented in 1862:
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23. 59" long:
24. 26" tall x 15" diameter, a hollowed log, open on both ends with a two piece lid that can be locked in place with a wedge:
There are two small notches at the bottom:
25. 7-1/2" long:
26. The blade is 9-1/2" long, first patented in the 1870's:
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27. 12" long:
It's hollow from the base of the wedge at least up to the hole seen in the third photo:
14" long, used in a similar manner as the previous tool, hollow from the bottom up to the small hole in the side: